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Saundra J Johnson Memorial Scholarship Recipient

Hayley Sprouse

Argonia Senior, Hayley Sprouse, has been named as the recipient of the first annual Saundra J Johnson Memorial Scholarship.  This scholarship is being offered by the Families of Jeff Owen and Tim Johnson in memory of Saundra J Johnson who worked her entire career as a nurse.  One of the main qualifications to apply for the scholarship was to be pursuing a degree in the field of medicine.  Saundra Johnson has been described by her family as "a very determined individual that always gave more than 110% to every patient she treated.  She always put their needs and well being first and foremost".  

Hayley Sprouse is currently working on becoming a Certified Nurses Aid  through Cowley College and plans to work as a CNA while attending Wichita State University to obtain her Bachelor's Degree and becoming an Registered Nurse.