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First AR Party for Third, Fourth, & Fifth Grades

On October 20th the third, fourth, and fifth graders that made their 1st quarter Accelerated Reader goal had their party!  We rode the bus to the Conway Springs park.  We split up into three groups: kickball with Miss Poljansek, playground with Mr. Linville, and ice cream at The Daily Scoop with Mrs. Downey.  The kids rotated between each station.  We had absolutely perfect weather!  The ice cream was delicious and amazing! One of the groups got really lucky and ran into one of our most favorite people in the world, Mrs. Lawrence!! It totally made our day!  Thank you to The Daily Scoop for dishing out all the ice cream and for being so awesome!  Thank you to the school district for paying for our ice cream!  Thank you to Miss Poljansek for playing kickball for an hour and half straight!  I hope those sore muscles recovered quickly!  Thank you to Mr. Linville for always being an awesome substitute and always being excellent help! Congratulations kids and keep up the good work!!