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Kaylee Lacey Wins Raider of the Month to Begin 2018-2019 School Year

Kaylee Lacey, a twelfth grader at AHS, became the next “Raider of the Month” for September, 2018.  The Activities/Athletics Department of Argonia Junior/Senior High School has decided to recognize one student a month who has demonstrated exceptional pride and integrity while competing in athletics or activities.  Students are nominated by coaches and sponsors and, once a month, a student is chosen as “Raider of the Month.” 

Kaylee was chosen for the month of September after being nominated by Mr. Baldwin, Mrs. Hurley and Mrs. Koehler.  They had this to say about Kaylee:

    “We (Craig, Mrs. Hurley and CayLee) nominate Kaylee Lacey! She always has a positive attitude, goes above and beyond of what’s expected of her. She always offers her help to staff and students and has been a tremendous help to Craig”  You are awesome Kaylee!”

Kaylee is currently a member of the AHS Cheer Team. 

The “Raider of the Month” is part of a renewed effort to build school pride.  The student selected has their picture on a bulletin board along with comments from the coach or sponsor who nominated him or her.  Look for a new student in October!!