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Argonia Elementary Celebrates Fire Prevention Week

The week of October 5th - 11th was fire prevention week. The preschool, kindergarten, and first grade took an hour in the morning to walk up to fire station to learn all about how to keep safe during a fire. Fire Pup, the special guest, was there to greet the students! The firefighters taught the students how to stop, drop, and roll; make a fire escape plan; what a smoke detector sounds like; and what a firefighter looks like when they are completely dressed. Many kids have hidden in a house during a fire because a firefighter looks so different when he is dressed in all his gear and it scares them. This was a great opportunity for the kids to get used to what a firefighter looks like, sounds like,and how to catch his attention if they need help. After the students proved they were proficient at fire safety rules they were given the chance to spray the fire hose! Every student, who wanted a chance, sprayed the hose across main street to see how it feels to be a firefighter. Finally all of the students were able to ride the fire truck back to school! They flashed the lights and let us hear the sirens on the way back. In the end all the students had a wonderful time and they learned so much from our wonderful firefighters!